Co-designing a 'climate game' with Wetherby Prep School!
In June 2022, Brainspark Games led a FREE human centred design workshop with a numb er of classes and year groups at Wetherby Prep School. Boys were able to share their tremendous gaming expertise to tack climate change!
Brainspark is developing its first Climate Game!
Join the race to save the planet with Climate Spark!
Building on Innovate UK's 'Audience of the Future' grant to fund human centred design research, Brainspark Games partnered with a range of schools and climate organisations across the country.
Wetherby pupils were invited to provide vital feedback and user insight into how children prefer to learn about climate change and what tools and gameplay are required to enable them to take action to save the planet!
Book a free play testing session today
We've been running free play testing sessions, using our suite of devices, with schools across the UK and abroad. If you'd like to help us develop our educational games, trial MVP and provide user feedback we'd really like to hear from you